عصر حاضر کےمسائل اور فکرَاقبال
Contemporary issues and concerns of Iqbal
Terrorism is the most critical problem faced by the Islamic World these days. Other problems include lack of education, unity, strong belief, enthusiasm, materialistic approach, corruption and dishonesty, injustice, inferiority complex, social segmentation, inappropriate use of social media. It is very difficult to get out of the tornado of problems which the Islamic world is facing right now. There is violence and injustice everywhere with extreme bloodshed of Muslims around the world. Every dawn brings more and more misery with itself. We have drifted away from the path of Allah and the fear of the Day of Judgment. Lack of education has worsened the situation even more. Islamic world was blessed to have a jewel like Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal who was a splendid poet and a great thinker. Iqbal presented his ideology of "Khudi" which highlighted the problems faced by Muslims these days but unfortunately the Muslim world has ignored his teachings whereas the West has truly benefitted from them. When the west was focused on developing educational institutions, the Muslim rulers were busy in jewelling their empires with lavish gardens and eye catching architecture. As a result, the west surpassed the Muslims in the fields of science and technology, modern inventions, medical and engineering whereas the Muslims lagged behind. In order to improve the existing bleak situation we need to devise an effective strategy. The solution to all our problems lies in Allama Iqbal's poetry. Iqbal was the one who could foresee the future. He already knew about the problems the Muslim world will have to face in the future. His famous Ideology of "Khudi" if implemented in its true sense can eliminate all our current problems.