اقبال کی فارسی شعرگوئی
Iqbal's Persian poetry
The Persian poetry of Allama Muhammad Iqbal is an extraordinary exposition of his poetical wisdom, philosophical thinking and his everlasting message for Ummah. When Allama Iqbal started to write in Persian, it was the language of many Muslim countries. Allama Iqbal opted Persian for his poetic creation due to three reasons; the natural aptitude of Allama Muhammad Iqbal, academic impact on his educational development and contemporary demand of the time. Allama Iqbal started writing in Persian in between 1896 to 1900. The one of important dimension of the Persian poetry of Allama Iqbal is his intuitional genius which is reflected in his Persian poetry more effectively than in Urdu. As when he was writing his early Urdu poems like "Spas Janab Amir", "Nalae Yateem", and "Shukriya Angushtary" the Persian verses were also a part of these poems. Maximum of his versus, written to deduct the death date of diseased, were written in Persian.
The deep study of Persian literary and philosophical tradition during his PHD studies, he was furthermore engaged in profound study of Persian poetry. The mystical tradition of Persian Poetry had also deep impact on Allama Muhammad Iqbal. That is why; his first book was written on the pattern of Masnavi of Boo Ali Qalandar.