کلامِ اقبال میں رجائیت اور مستقبل شناسی کا عنصر
The element of optimism and futurism in Kalam-e-Iqbal
In the early years of the twentieth century, the world of Islam was going through a turbulent period. Most of the Muslim countries have become slaves to the colonial powers of Europe.Muslims were not only economically and politically defeated by Western countries but had also accepted the supremacy of the West on an intellectual level. This state of defeat was even worse than political slavery. In these circumstances, Iqbal predicted the renaissance of Muslims and the decline of Western colonialism. Iqbal was studying at Cambridge University at the time and wrote a poem in 1907 that was published in the monthly "MAKHZAN" and later included in "BANG-E-DARA." This period was the height of the British Empire and the end of despair for the Muslims of India. Most of the Muslim thinkers and reformers did not have the hope that the world of Islam would stand on its own two feet again and find a dignified place among the nations of the world. Hali was lamenting the loss of Muslim greatness in "Masdus Madujzar Islam" and the concept of Muslim renaissance was not in his mind. In this paper, the element of futurism in Kalam-e-Iqbal has been highlighted.