الحکمة فی شعر محمد حسین اقبال


  • د۔ غلام أحمد Government College University, Faislabad
  • ماجد نواز ملک University of Karachi


The study of wisdom in the poetry of Muhammad Husain Iqbal, a beautiful addition to the Arabic literature of Pakistan, to capture the attention of the later researchers towards this important topic, to introduce the great literary legacy of Pakistan to the Arab world and the way of conduction between Islamic and Arabic countries.

Wisdom is very important in Islam. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) has stressed the importance of wisdom in the following words “wisdom is the last heritage of Momin, one decreases it where one finds it.”

Author Biographies

د۔ غلام أحمد, Government College University, Faislabad

 الاستاد المساعد بقسم اللغة العربیة آدابها جامعة الکلیة الحکومیة بفیصل آباد باکستان

ماجد نواز ملک, University of Karachi

ماجد نواز ملک  باحث الدکتورراۃ  بجامعة کراتشی باکستان


