الفكرالفلسفي عندالمعتزلة وأثره في الأدب العربي

The philosophical thought of the Mu'tazilites and their impact on Arabic literature


  • محمد زبير جاويد Islamia University of Bahawalpur
  • أ۔ د۔ راحيله خالد قريشي Islamia University of Bahawalpur


Mu'tazilah, Rationalist, Iranian Descent, Qur'an , Sunni, Khawarij, Arabic literature


There are five major sects in the Muslim Ummah, one of which is Mu'tazilah, Sunni, Khawarij, Shia, Mu'tazilah and Batinia.

The Mu'tazilites were a rationalist sect founded by Khawaja Hassan Basri, a student of Wasil bin Ata al-Ghazal of Iranian descent. According to him, the Qur'an is a creation, monotheism can be known rationally.

This sect came into existence in the early part of the second century AH and its first follower was Amr ibn Ubaid who was a disciple of Hasan Basri.the religion of the Mu'tazilites is based on reason.

It became official religion in the era of Caliph Mamun ul-Rashid.

In this following paper, I have tried to illustrate their idealogy, on which their sect was based. I have also narrated their literary words in the light of their philosophical thought approach and also mentioned its effect on Arabic literature.

Author Biographies

محمد زبير جاويد, Islamia University of Bahawalpur

باحث بمرحلة الدكتوراة ، قسم اللغة العربية وآدابها ، الجامعة الاسلامية بهاول بور

أ۔ د۔ راحيله خالد قريشي, Islamia University of Bahawalpur

رئيسة قسم اللغة العربية وآدابها ، الجامعة الاسلامية بهاول بور


