الفكرالفلسفي عندالمعتزلة وأثره في الأدب العربي
The philosophical thought of the Mu'tazilites and their impact on Arabic literature
Mu'tazilah, Rationalist, Iranian Descent, Qur'an , Sunni, Khawarij, Arabic literatureAbstract
There are five major sects in the Muslim Ummah, one of which is Mu'tazilah, Sunni, Khawarij, Shia, Mu'tazilah and Batinia.
The Mu'tazilites were a rationalist sect founded by Khawaja Hassan Basri, a student of Wasil bin Ata al-Ghazal of Iranian descent. According to him, the Qur'an is a creation, monotheism can be known rationally.
This sect came into existence in the early part of the second century AH and its first follower was Amr ibn Ubaid who was a disciple of Hasan Basri.the religion of the Mu'tazilites is based on reason.
It became official religion in the era of Caliph Mamun ul-Rashid.
In this following paper, I have tried to illustrate their idealogy, on which their sect was based. I have also narrated their literary words in the light of their philosophical thought approach and also mentioned its effect on Arabic literature.
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