خصائص ومراحل الإبداع القصصي في الرواية العربية الحديثة

Characteristics and stages of narrative creativity in the modern Arabic Novel


  • Prof. Dr. WAFFA H ALOWyDHI Professor of curricula and methods of teaching Arabic language and Specializing in teaching standards at The Education and Training Evaluation Authority in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


Modern Arabic Story and Novel, Contemporary narrative trend, Realistic Trend , Characteristics of Stories & Novel


The scientific paper seeks to explain the multiple stages that the modern Arabic story and novel passed through until it reached the first contemporary narrative trend in Arabic literature, which is the realistic trend, as well as to explain the characteristics and stages of narrative and novelistic creativity and its teaching methods.  By answering two main questions: What is meant by the realistic trend in the contemporary novel in Arabic literature: its origins, characteristics, schools, most prominent writers, and most prominent models? And the second question: What are the characteristics and stages of narrative and novel creativity and its teaching methods?, and among the most prominent recommendations of the paper.  Scientific: Directing those in charge of teaching to include writing novels and stories within the standards of linguistic education, and holding competitions for writing creative stories and novels by government and private sector institutions

Author Biography

Prof. Dr. WAFFA H ALOWyDHI, Professor of curricula and methods of teaching Arabic language and Specializing in teaching standards at The Education and Training Evaluation Authority in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Ex-King Abdul Aziz University and Jaddah University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


