اللّغة العربية في المجتمع: واقع الاستعمال وتحدّيات التّعميم
Arabic Language in Society: The Reality of Usage and Challenges of Generalization.
Arabic language, usage, reality, generalization, institutionsAbstract
The Arabic language is beautiful, noble, extensive, precise, and easy to learn for those who desire to acquire it. It is among the most eloquent languages, rich in meanings. If it were not so, the Almighty would not have revealed His book in it and addressed His noble prophet and messenger with it to convey the message to the world.
However, the current reality differs from description and theoretical discourse. It comes a time when people have neglected their religious and cultural foundations, claimed progress, and disregarded the pillars of an authentic civilization that guided the world to progress and empowerment. They argue that this era cannot tolerate old things and is unsuitable for it. It is merely a call from those who fear the dominance of Muslims with the supremacy of their language.
Today, unfortunately, we live in a sensitive reality fluctuating between hope and diligent efforts for the empowerment of the Arabic language, whether at the local level in institutions and scientific clubs or even at the personal level sometimes, or at the level of well-known international bodies.
What concerns us here is the local level because we see it as the primary foundation for caring for the Arabic language. If it receives the required attention from its people, it will undoubtedly receive care and respect from others. Have we really provided this language with the attention, development, and activation it deserves, or is it just talk for consumption? Are these occasions only fleeting conversations, and are the promises made by some nothing more than false assurances, convincing themselves that they are impossible to achieve, and that the matter is only for local consumption?

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