تطور غرض الشكوى في الشعر العربي عبر العصور

The Evolution of the Theme of Complaint in Arabic Poetry Across the Ages


  • Dr. Yasmin Akhtar Assistant professor
  • Dr. Qasim Azam Bhutta Assistant professor
  • Dr. Farah naz Assistant professor


Evolution, Theme, Complaint, Arabic Poetry, Across the Ages


The theme of complaint is one of the significant poetic themes that reflect human conditions and suffering across different eras. It evolved over time, adapting to the changing social, political, and economic circumstances, giving it diverse dimensions depending on the context of each era.

In the Pre-Islamic Era, complaint was linked to the harshness of nature and time, as poets expressed their struggles with drought and deprivation.

In the Islamic Era, individual complaints decreased under the influence of Islamic values, while complaints about injustice and poverty emerged as part of social responsibility.

In the Abbasid Era, the scope of complaints expanded to include poverty, illness, envy, and the poets’ frustrations with the complexities and uncertainties of life.

In the Andalusian Era, complaints reflected a connection with nature and political events, especially during the decline of Muslim rule and the fall of Al-Andalus.

Key words: Evolution, Theme, Complaint, Arabic Poetry, Across the Ages

Author Biographies

Dr. Yasmin Akhtar, Assistant professor

 Arabic department IIUI islamabad

Dr. Qasim Azam Bhutta, Assistant professor

 Arabic department NUML Islamabd

Dr. Farah naz, Assistant professor

Arabic department NUML Islamabd


