الشيخ محمد إدريس الكاندهلوي وشعره في الرثاء


  • Fakhar ul Zaman
  • Najma Naheed


There is a long list of men of letters in the Subcontinent who expressed their feelings and emotions in the Arabic language by writing books on different topics in Arabic. Muhammad Idrees Kandhalvi was one of them.He made great literary contributions by incorporating Arabic language in his works including multiple genres of literature like Hamd, Naat and Elegy (Marṯīa). This article predominantly delivers contributions of Muhammad Idrees Kandhalvi a renowned personage of the Subcontinent, his life and services particularly Elegy writing. He wrote elegy about his friends and teachers and incorporated verses and hadith. He achieved excellence in elegy writing and was never considered a non-Arab writer.

Author Biographies

Fakhar ul Zaman

أخصائي التخصص لجنة الاختبارات البنجاب، لاهور

Najma Naheed

** نائب رئيس الكلية الحکومیة لتربیة المعلمین تله جنج، جكوال


