المنهج القرآني في التنظيم المالي للفرد والأسرة


  • Muhammad bin Abdullah Rabiyah Qassim University


The Quran show us about a Standard method of Allah  in handling money as strength for life.

Ensure that the Quranic approach in handling money unique balance in this life and the life after death, he also urged to recall it, he aroused to spent it for Allah Almighty, therefore Aayah of Grossing came in between the Aayah of  the spending, Like Allah Almighty Said in Quran: { ومن يؤتى الحكمة فقد أوتي خيراً كثيرا} [ البقرة: 269] Which shows that the  wisdom  putting money in is Allah exalted object of goodness.

Surah NISA contain a unique curriculum in handling money for the individual and the family, addressed verses to whose disposition of money is the man, and recommended not to give money to the foolish who don't improve Act money with well argued with them. And develop their abilities in handling money.

The method of Allah Almighty supper important rules in dealing with money is not taken from the forbidden object tending his blessing and predicting in injustice.

Author Biography

Muhammad bin Abdullah Rabiyah, Qassim University

* الأستاذ المشارك بقسم القرآن وعلومه كلية الشريعة والدراسات الإسلامية - جامعة القصيم


