ابن دريد: حياته و منهج کتابه "جمهرة اللغة"


  • Muhammad Ayub Saadi


In this article, the researcher is going to shed light on the detail biography of  Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn al-Hasan ibn Duraid al-Azdi, often known simply as Ibn Duraid. This study further specifies his syntactical school of thought in shadow of historical arguments. The researcher discussed his overall academic services, encompassing; literature, lexicography, Philology and comparative linguistics. He all most reviewed his books about above mentioned faculties.

The focus of this research is his best known early and influential dictionary of the Arabic language, Jamhara fi 'l-lugha,(  (جمهرة اللغة which was only the second attempt in history to compose a comprehensive dictionary of the language. This study determines the methodology of Jamhara fi 'l-lugha, describing all sources of this particular book. As it proved via this research that the major source of this lexicon  was Kitab al-'Ayn, written by Al-Khalil ibn Ahmad al-Farahidi, the first ever dictionary for the Arabic languag




Author Biography

Muhammad Ayub Saadi

باحث بمرحلة الدكتوراه فى كلية اللغة العربية فی الجامعة الإسلامية بهاولفور- باكستان.


