المصادر الأولية لسيرة الرسول (صلى الله عليه وسلم) ومغازيه "دراسة وتحقُّق"


  • Hatam Nayal Aldhamoor Middle East University- Jordan


This study was conducted to search for the primary sources of the biography Maghazi of the prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and addressed to clarify the concepts of "Biography" and "Maghazi". It also sheds a light on the early efforts for writing it down .The researcher have tried to present the primary sources of the biography of the Prophet starting with the Qur'an as an essential source of it. The researcher presented the prophetic documents and letters in the era of the prophet Mohammad (PBUH) in addition to the documents of Al-Sahabah and their followers and the descending followers. Though out this study the researcher presented the most famous biography and Maghazi scientists and the way they put all their efforts to study and document those events.

The resources and the references that were adopted by this study had an active role in supplying the research with findings that enriched it. At the end of the study it was clear for the researcher that the scientific output of the muslim scholars in the context of biography and Maghazi had passed through several stages to make the idea of the biography and Maghazi clear. Those studies became a cornerstone in writing the history of Islam.

Author Biography

Hatam Nayal Aldhamoor, Middle East University- Jordan

أستاذ مساعد/جامعة الشرق الأوسط

