المكتبات في الحضارة الإسلامية) نشأتها وتطورها(


  • Saood Abdul Jabir Middle East University- Jordan


This research addneses the origination of the Libraries in Islamic civilization, its development & its role in building renaissance which it had a Significant impact in humanity civilization.

The research also shows different types of library's:

The Mosques libraries, the controversial library, the private library, the  general library, the academic library, the school libraries and library & the hospital libraries. Furthermore, It illustrates the various affectation & adversely which it was exposed by however, there are many of unversed libraries decorates with valued Islamic manuscripts which is works its published & its vision the light.

Author Biography

Saood Abdul Jabir, Middle East University- Jordan

كلية الآداب/قسم اللغة العربية ،جامعة الشرق الأوسط ،عمان- الأردن


