سيف الدولة الحمداني أديباً


  • Saood bin Abdul Jabir Middle East University- Jordan


Alebo had witnessed a brilliant scientific and literary renaissance during the era of Sayf Al-Dawlah Al-Hamadani. The Hamadani emir's palace was the destination of the men-of-letters, the poets and the scientists who came from the various Islamic regions. The most famous of those were Abu-Al-Tayeb Al-Mtanabi, Abu-Firas Al-Hamadani, Al-Sounobari, KHashajim and Al-Saryy' Al-Reffa', among others.

The prince, himself, was a man-of-letter, a critic and a poet. In addition, he protected the homeland and confronted the Romans' invasion in the most embarrassing historical eras. He was the rescuer hero who lead the Moslems from victory to another.

This man-of-letter prince has built his supporting glory on two basic factors: facing the Roman State and taking care of science, literature and encouraging the scientists and the men-of-letter.

Author Biography

Saood bin Abdul Jabir, Middle East University- Jordan

 جامعة الشرق الأوسط – كلية الآداب والعلوم عمان- الأردن


