أغراض الشعر العربي في الأندلس وشبه القارة الهندية ( في القرن السابع والثامن من الهجرة ) دراسة مقارنة


  • Ruhma Imran Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan, Pakistan


The Arabic poetic heritage of Andalus and Indian Subcontinent is a gem worthy to stand on its own as an outstanding poetry of ancient Arabic poetry in Spain and Indian Subcontinent. These outstanding poems of Muslims settled in Spain are distinctively different from the Arabs of the Orient in its innovative form, structure, themes and stunning imageries. The Andalusian poetry is appealing and enduring beauty whose glow still reaches us not only in Arabic language but also in other languages.

So the upcoming article shall provide a comparison between the idea of this poetry which is more beautiful than the west wind and its language is more beautiful than a pretty face and it has come down to us “in the fragments , shattered , although in iridescent diamond dust.

Author Biography

Ruhma Imran, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan, Pakistan

الاستاذۃ المساعدۃ بقسم اللغۃ العربیۃ جامعۃ بھاء الدین ملتان


