أثرالقرآن الكريم في الشعر العربي في العصر الإسلامي


  • Abdur Raheem Islamia University of Bahawalpur
  • Javaid Iqbal Government Secondary High School, Kanewal


The introduction, purpose and signification of the Sacred and the Holy Quran has been described in this article. The Holy Quran has impacted on Arabic  language  and literature,  especially to the Arabic poetry.in early age of Islam , poetry  were  radically replaced  by  ideas  and  concepts  generated  by  the Holy  Quran,  especially  those  related to God, man, universe,  good and evil, and  hereafter etc. The Holy Quran has denounced poets who roam about in every valley of imagination and fancy and are followed by the miss-guided ones, but at the same time it has exempted poets with strong faith in Allah and doing good deeds from this judgment. The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) has regarded some   poetry and rhetoric as the fountain of wisdom and magical impact respectively. Islam did not kill the poetic spark amongst the Arabs nor prevented   them from going ahead in poetic creation; rather it has encouraged poetic genius, exploited especially to promote the message of Islam. The literary person and poets of Arab and non-Arab were so impressed by the words and meaning of the Quran and its ways that we see a sub-line impact of the Holy Quran on their language, diction, ways, art and literature.

Author Biographies

Abdur Raheem, Islamia University of Bahawalpur

عميد كلية الدراسات الإسلامية واللغات ،ورئيس القسم العربي،جامعة بهاء الدين زكريا ملتان.

Javaid Iqbal, Government Secondary High School, Kanewal

متخصص اللغة العربية في المدرسة الثانوية الحكومية،مخدوم بور-خانيوال.


