أثر القصة القرآنية في الأدب الأردي (قصة طوفان سيدنا نوح عليه السلام نموذجا)


  • Hafiz Abdul Qadeer University of the Punjab


Allah Almighty sent Hazrat Noah (AS) to “Banu Rasib” to invite them to the way of their Lord. He lived among them 950 years performing his duty but they did not follow him and refused to leave idols worship. So Allah punished them with a great flood and storm which killed and drowned all of them except those who were boarded on the ark of Noah (AS). Due to the importance of this story it has been narrated in different chapters of the Holy Qur’an. The Urdu writers and poets have discussed different aspects of this story making it the subject of their writings, both in poetry and prose. They tried to find the answers of questions such as: whether this flood surrounded whole of the earth or only those areas in which people of Noah’s period lived, moreover whether the mountain of Judi was the ultimate destination of the ark of Noah or it was some other mountain etc.? And some of them wrote stories and tales in prose or poetry in the style of Noah’s story. We have made some of these Urdu books, articles and poems the subject of this paper. It is divided into four parts. In first part we talked about the name of Hazrat Noah (A.S) and his age, in second part we wrote his story mentioned in the Holy Qur’an very briefly. In third part we highlighted those Urdu books that made this story their subject, and in fourth part we have dealt with the poetry which was taken from this story.

Author Biography

Hafiz Abdul Qadeer, University of the Punjab

لأستاذ المشارك، قسم اللغة العربية، جامعة بنجاب، لاهور.


