دور "الباء" في استنباط الأحكام الشرعية في الفقه الإسلامي

The role of “Al-Baah” in the islamic jurisprudence


  • Dr. Muhammad Faisal International Islamic University, Islamabad
  • Dr. Ghulam Ahmed Government  College University, Faislabad
  • Dr. Muhammad Aslam Government College University, Faislabad


The Letter "BAH" is the second bilabial alphabetical figure of Arabic language. It is an important, rich and meaningful Letter in Arabic texts according to the context. It is one of the Arabic prepositions. The main function of this letter is"Jir" to the next Noun or pronouns. There are different aspects and meaning of "BAH" in Arabic language, especially in the Quran text, such as: "Al-Bah", "Al-Elsaaq", "Al-Sababiya", "Al-Istihaana", "Al-Zarfiya " , "Al- Istelaa ", "Al-Tadiyaa", "Al-Hiwaz", "Al-Badaliya ", "Al-Musahaba , "Al- Muqaabala", "Al-Mojaawaza", "Al-Ghaaya ", "Al-Qasam"   and it is also come as Additionalالزائدة أو الصلة . The earlier scholar has discussed these meanings. Many scholars have written the books to explore the usages of letters in the light of context, and discussed its role and importance in Islamic jurisprudence in deferent schools of thoughts.

This Article will focus on the meanings, types and its major role in the Islamic Fiq. Moreover the paper will discuss its different aspects and situations in Arabic language, especially in the sharia/Islamic jurisprudence and explore the usages of this letter in the light of Shariah Matters.

Author Biographies

Dr. Muhammad Faisal, International Islamic University, Islamabad

الأستاذ المساعد بجامعة هريبور بقسم اللغات، والأستاذ الزائربكلية اللغة العربية  بالجامعة الإسلامية العالمية

Dr. Muhammad Aslam, Government College University, Faislabad

الأستاذ المساعد بكلية اللغة العربية  بالجامعة الإسلامية العالمية إسلام آباد – باكستان


