قرآن کے مثانی اور مفصلات کی سورتوں کی ترتیب کا ربط معنوی کا ایک تحقیقی جائزہ: تفسیر معارف القرآن کاندھلوی کی روشنی میں

A research study on the thematic connection between the order of the Mathani and Mufassalat surahs of the Quran In the light of the Ma'arif al-Quran Kandhalvi


  • Bilal Khan M. Phil Scholar in Islamic Studies, University of Malakand
  • Syeda Fatma Hussain M. Phil Scholar in Islamic Studies, University of Malakand
  • Zakir ullah PhD Research Scholar in Islamic studies, University of Malakand




Mathani, Mufassalat, Ma'arif al-Quran, Muhammad Kandhalvi, Interrelation of Surahs


This research paper explores the thematic coherence and interconnected arrangement of the Mathani and Mufassalat surahs in the Quran, focusing on their sequential placement and meaningful connections. The study examines how the arrangement of these surahs reflects a deeper thematic structure, shedding light on their interrelation within the Quranic compilation. Recognizing that Muslim scholars widely consider the mushaf order to be tawqifi (divinely ordained), this research delves into the underlying wisdom behind the sequence of surahs. By utilizing Muhammad Idris Kandhalvi’s exegesis Ma'arif al-Quran, this study critically analyzes his interpretations to uncover the deeper semantic links between adjacent surahs in the Mathani and Mufassalat sections. The research aims to contribute to a broader understanding of the Quran’s structural unity, demonstrating how the thematic arrangement reinforces the Quranic message. Through Kandhalvi’s insights, this paper offers a fresh perspective on the harmonious composition of the Quran and the intentional organization of its surahs.


