تفسير ماجدی،تبيان القرآن اور تفسير القرآن الكريم ميں منتخب آيات الاحكام كا ايک تحقيقى وتقابلى جائزہ
An analytical and Comparative review of "Ayat ul Ahkam" of selected Verses in Tafsir e Majidi, Tibyan ul Quran and Tafsir ul Quran al.karim
Ayat al-Ahkam, Tafsir, Islamic Jurisprudence, comparative analysis, Ijtihad, Quranic Rulings, Fiqh Issues, Modern Islamic Thought, Revelation, Sharia, Muslim UmmahAbstract
The Holy Quran is the last inspired and revolutionary book of Allah Almighty, which was revealed to bring about a change in the lives of human beings. Without this book, creatures cannot recognize their true Creator in the true sense. The Holy Quran is a source of guidance for all human beings, which encompasses all matters related to humans from birth to death, and the possibility of distortion in it has been eliminated until the Day of Judgment. It is a treasure trove of knowledge from which scholars deduce according to their capabilities, because Allah Almighty has revealed two types of verses in the Holy Quran. One type contains commands, while the other type of verses includes monotheism, prophethood, preaching and advice, warnings and warnings, stories, proverbs, the horror of the Day of Judgment, mentions of Paradise and Hell, etc. The number of verses related to rulings in it is approximately five hundred, the details of which have been explained by jurists and commentators. Numerous translations and interpretations of the Holy Quran have been written in different languages, which is no less than a great blessing for the Muslim Ummah. Allah Almighty has kept so much flexibility in the rulings of the Quran and Sunnah that they can guide the Muslim Ummah in the issues that will arise until the Day of Judgment. This is the reason why the door of ijtihad has been kept open until the Day of Judgment to solve the issues that arise in the light of the Quran and Sunnah. In the present era, the Muslim Ummah is facing innumerable new issues. Scholars are prone to exaggeration and deviation regarding ijtihad directly from the Quran and Sunnah to solve the new issues that arise from them. Therefore, these three commentators have mentioned such jurisprudential issues in their respective interpretations that are necessary for humans in the present era. In this article, a research and comparative analysis of five verses selected in three interpretations in terms of the rulings of the Quran has been presented.
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