Social Reforms and it’s Foundation in the Context of Shari’ah Rulings

معاشرتی اصلاح کا اسلوب اور دائرہ کار نصوص ِ شریعہ کے تناظر میں


  • Shazia Chohan Teacher's trainer Ghazali Publications, Lahore



The main purpose of all constitutions, laws & Religions in the world is to end the corruption & reform the society. In the holy Qur’an, the purpose of the mission of the messenger of Allah is stated to be the external & internal training & reform of human being. After the messenger of Allah, responsibility of reforming the society fall on the righteous people of the Muslim Ummah. Today, society has once again turned towards the same values, sexual immorality & perversion as it was in the time of J’ahiliyyah (Ancient times). Therefor the correction of the current social distortions is also possible with the same methods which were adopted by the messenger of Allah.

The effectiveness of preaching & advice increases many times when the personality & character of preacher is pure & clean. Purification of self & self-improvement, foundation of reforming society is to invite others to do good & to forbid evil (امر بالمعروف و نہی عن المنکر). For self-purification & reformation of society, the first school was established in Dar e Arqam & the second in Masjid Nabwi. Following this tradition, mosques & madaras’as have always been of primary importance in every Islamic community. Reforming society in the modern age requires measures such as abolishing the mixed system of education, training students & strengthening the family system. In this connection, the government, individuals & the mass media have to work together.



How to Cite

Shazia Chohan. (2022). Social Reforms and it’s Foundation in the Context of Shari’ah Rulings: معاشرتی اصلاح کا اسلوب اور دائرہ کار نصوص ِ شریعہ کے تناظر میں . Al-Abṣār (الابصار), 1(01), 33–52.