Metaverse: Introduction, characteristics, and impacts in the light of Islamic Teaching

میٹاورس،تعارف، اثرات اور شرعی تقاضے


  • Hafsa Mehak Allied School system Lahore،Punjab.



This research evaluates the brief introduction of Metaverse, its effectiveness and archaeologically background. The Metaverse is a word secondhand to pronounce a conjectural future internet-based world that chains virtual reality, enlarged reality, and other immersive technologies to generate a fully-realized, immersive simulated world.In the Metaverse, manipulators can interrelate with each other and through digital substances and atmospheres in real-time, as if they were substantially present. The possibilities for collaboration, communiqué, and entertaining in the Metaverse are virtually infinite, and some professionals believe it has the prospective to become the next major technological paradigm shift.While the idea of the Metaverse is still fundamentally speculative, there are already some early examples of virtual worlds that could be reflected a ancestor to the Metaverse, such as Second Life, VRChat, and Decentraland. Additionally, numerous enterprises, including Facebook, Microsoft, and Epic Games, have proclaimed strategies to finance seriously in the growth of the Metaverse in the coming is more significant that what is deliberate in Islamic Fiqha concerning Metaverse because it is a wholesome technological based thing which may be come real in nearby future in this regard this article covered the introduction characteristics and Islamic concepts about Metaverse. 




How to Cite

Hafsa Mehak. (2023). Metaverse: Introduction, characteristics, and impacts in the light of Islamic Teaching: میٹاورس،تعارف، اثرات اور شرعی تقاضے . Al-Abṣār (الابصار), 2(1), 01–16.