Implications of Jurisprudential Differences in Da’wah

دعوت دین میں فقہی اختلافات کے اثرات


  • Sharafat Ali International Islamic University, Islamabad



Dawat e Deen , jurisprudential differences , effects



In summary, jurisprudential differences can have both positive and negative effects on the da'wah of a religion. On the one hand it can also be used as a tool to increase understanding between different communities. Clear communication, respectful dialogue, and a focus on common ground can help minimize negative impacts and maximize positive impacts. There these differences lead to sectarianism and division in the Da'wah. Preachers with different juristic views emphasize certain aspects of the faith and downplay others, leading followers to develop a narrow and exclusive understanding of their religion.

This results in the isolation of those who don't share the mainstream viewpoints and puts obstacles in the way of interfaith communication and understanding. However, jurisprudential divergences can sometimes benefit religious communities. By promoting an open and polite discourse about religious beliefs and practises, it can promote a greater understanding of faith and an inclusive community. It can also encourage critical thinking and push believers to reevaluate their opinions, resulting in a more detailed and nuanced understanding of the religion. These Dawat Deen jurisprudential effects will be critically assessed in this essay..

Keywords Dawat e Deen , jurisprudential differences , effects


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How to Cite

Sharafat Ali. (2023). Implications of Jurisprudential Differences in Da’wah: دعوت دین میں فقہی اختلافات کے اثرات. Al-Abṣār (الابصار), 2(1), 53–68.