An Analytical Study of the Book " Maʿāsh Nabawī " by Dr. Yasin Mazhar Siddiqui
کتاب" معاشِ نبوی" از ڈاکٹر یسین مظہر صدیقی کا ایک تجزیاتی مطالعہ
Maash e Nabvi, Yasin mazhar siddique, Income, EconomicsAbstract
The book “Maash e Nabavi” is a unique research in the description of the Prophet Muhammad's economic life. Before this, this aspect of Prophet's livelihood had not been fully explored. The author has proved that although the Prophet was an orphan in his childhood, he lived a prosperous life due to the legacy of his parents and the love and affection of his relatives. He used to work hard even in their youth and he has a business which was enough for their livelihood, although they were not very prosperous and rich, but they were not in extreme poverty either. Compared to the Makki period, the Madani period has been extremely prosperous, in which his Sources of Income included hosting the Companions, giving gifts and feasts, as well as cattle and booty. According to the author, "The Prophet's economy was based on the Qur'anic path of moderation. The life of the Prophet with the enjoyment of the blessings created by Allah and the prayer of seeking refuge from poverty was actually an economy based on contentment, patience and trust which fulfills the needs of life".
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Maʿāsh Nabawī, P: 25-28
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۔ معاش نبوی،ص:40
Maʿāsh Nabawī, P:40
۔ معاش نبوی، ص:47-50
Maʿāsh Nabawī, P:47-50
۔ ابن ہشام،1/236
Ibn Hishām, Al-Sīrat al-Nabawiyyah, P:1/236
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۔ معاش نبوی، ص: 52
Maʿāsh Nabawī, P:52
۔ ایضا
۔ القرآن، سورۃ الشعراء:214
Al-Qur'ān, Sūrat Ash-Shuʿarā: 214
۔ معاش نبوی، ص:53-54
Maʿāsh Nabawī, P:53-54
۔ معاش نبوی، ص:54-56
Maʿāsh Nabawī, P:54-56
۔ معاش نبوی، ص:62
Maʿāsh Nabawī, P:62
۔ ابن ہشام، السیرۃ النبویہ، 1/ 493
Ibn Hishām, Al-Sīrat al-Nabawiyyah, P: 1/493
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۔ معاش نبوی، ص:64-65
Maʿāsh Nabawī, P:64-65
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۔ معاش نبوی، ص:66
Maʿāsh Nabawī, P:66
۔ ابن سعد ،الطبقات الکبرٰی، ،3/614
Ibn Saʿd, Al-Ṭabaqāt al-Kubrā, 3/614
۔ معاش نبوی، ص:96-97
Maʿāsh Nabawī, P:96-97
۔ معاش نبوی، ص:97-100
Maʿāsh Nabawī, P:97-100
۔ ایضا:100
Ibid, 100
۔ معاش نبوی، ص:109
Maʿāsh Nabawī, P:109
۔ معاش نبوی، ص: 117-120
Maʿāsh Nabawī, P:117-120

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