Financial practices during Prophet's Lifetime and Contemporary Economic Sources

عہدِ نبوی کی معاشی سرگرمیاں اور عصری ذرائع معاش


  • Dr. Atif Aslam Rao University of Karachi



Economic Stability, Seerah Studies, Islamic Economics, Economic Strategy.


After gracing the universe with beautiful creations, Allah extended his benevolence to mankind and sent prophets to refine their characters. Then he announced the completion of the divine message by sealing the chain of prophet hood on the holy prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) and declaring the life of the holy prophet a role model for humanity. Hence, individuals and communities can seek comprehensive guidance from the life of the Holy Prophet, seeking solutions not only for religious dilemmas but also for economic, social, and ethical challenges across every facet of life. In the pursuit of wisdom, scholars have crafted the realm of "Fiqh ul Sirah," a dedicated knowledge to navigate and resolve a spectrum of issues by drawing upon the noble life of the holy prophet (ﷺ). Whether it is individual life or collective life, the economy has a great impact on them because it is an essential need for continuity of life. The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ not only illuminated the path for spiritual matters, but he intricately weaved rules and guidance for fostering the development of societies. This article delves into the economic facets illuminated by the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him. These insights served as the bedrock for the ascent of Muslims as a formidable economic force. Throughout the annals of Muslim history, the resilience of Muslim states in the face of economic challenges stands as a testament, with not a single instance where a Muslim state succumbed to economic ruin.


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عبد العزیز سالم، تاریخ العرب فی عصر الجاھلی، ص 376

ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz Sālim, Doctor, Tārīkh al-ʿArab fī ʿAṣr al-Jāhiliyya,

ایضاً،ص 377۔

Ibid, P377

ڈاکٹر جواد علی، المفصل فی تاریخ العرب قبل الاسلام، 4/153۔

Jawad Alī, Doctor, al-Mufaṣṣal al-ʿArab Qabla al-Islam, 4/153


Ibid, 4/157


Ibid, 4/152

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عبد العزیز سالم، تاریخ العرب فی عصر الجاھلی، ص376

ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz Sālim, Doctor, Tārīkh al-ʿArab fī ʿAṣr al-Jāhiliyya,

احمد ابراھیم الشریف، مکۃ والمدینۃ فی الجاھلیة و عھد الرسول ﷺ، ص 317

Aḥmad Ibrāhīm al-Sharīf, Makkah wa al-Madīnah fī al-Jāhiliyyah wa ʿAhd al-Rasūl, P 317

ایضاً،ص 319۔

Ibid, P319

ایضاً،ص 379۔

Ibid, P 379

ایضاً،ص 284۔

Ibid, P284

ایضاً،ص 388۔

Ibid, P388

ایضاً،ص 297۔

Ibid, P 297

ایضاً،ص 498۔

Ibid, P498

ایضاً،ص 401۔

Iid, P 401


Ibid, P363




How to Cite

Rao, D. A. A. (2023). Financial practices during Prophet’s Lifetime and Contemporary Economic Sources: عہدِ نبوی کی معاشی سرگرمیاں اور عصری ذرائع معاش. Al-Abṣār (الابصار), 2(2), 114–141.