Exploring Eradication of Societal Bedlam and Establishing Stability: Insights from Islamic Principles


  • Dr. Maqbool Hassan Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, Bahria University Karachi Campus, Karachi,
  • Abdul Sami MS Scholar, Department of Islamic Studies Bahria University Karachi Campus, Karachi.


Keywords: Social chaos, Peace, Society, Islamic Teachings, contemporary challenges.


This study explores the harmonious societal Structure establishing peace and stability by removing the chaos and disorder within the society from the perspective of Islamic teachings. The study investigates the theoretical underpinnings of social order and disorder within an Islamic framework. The problem statement encapsulates the need to explore the underlying causes of social chaos within Islamic societies and identify strategies informed by religious principles, ethical values, and empirical evidence to promote social peace, justice, and stability. Moral values enshrined in religious texts can play an important role in reducing social chaos and promoting harmony, guiding individuals, communities, and institutions toward peace and stability. The study aims to contribute to developing knowledge and practice in promoting sustainable peace within Islamic societies and beyond by promoting dialogue, understanding, and cooperation. The study offers practical recommendations for policymakers, community leaders, and civil society organizations to create an environment conducive to social peace, emphasizing the integration of religious teachings, governance structures, and community engagement initiatives.



AlQuran, 49:11

AlQuran, 5:8

AlQuran, 2:216

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AlQuran, 2: 265

Al-Bukhari, Muhammad bin Ismail, Sahih al-Bukhari, Book 3, Hadith 71

AlQuran, 65:3

AlQuran, 3:103

Sunan Ibn Majah: 3973, Sunan al-Tirmidhi: Hadith 2409, Sahih al-Bukhari, Hadith 6474

Sahih al-Bukhari, Book 87, Hadith 30 Sahih Muslim, Book 46, Hadith 67

Sunan Abu Dawud: Book 35, Hadith 4259

Sunan Abu Dawud: Book 38, Hadith 4251

AlQuran, 42;15

AlQuran, 4:135

AlQuran, 17:24

AlQuran, 2:267

AlQuran, 59:7

AlQuran, 83:1-5

AlQuran, 4:58

AlQuran, 42:38

AlQuran, 65:3

AlQuran, 59:18-19

Sahih Muslim, Book 32, Hadith 6219

Sahih Al-Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 2, Hadith 10

Sunan Ibne Majah, Book 22, Hadith 2288

Ibid: Book 12, Hadith 2139, Sunan At-Tirmidhi: Hadith 1209

Sahih Bukhari: Book 24, Hadith 554

Sahih Muslim: Book 12, Hadith 79, Sunan Ibn Majah: Book 36, Hadith 3660

Ibid: Book 20, Hadith 4498

Ibid: Book 42, Hadith 10

Ibid: Book 42, Hadith 11

Sunan Ibn Majah: Book 7, Hadith 3368

Jami` at-Tirmidhi: Book 27, Hadith 42

Sahib Al-Bukhari: Book 76, Hadith 561, Sahih Muslim: Book 42, Hadith 7147

Ibid: Book 24, Hadith 548, Sahih Muslim: Book 32, Hadith 6245

AlQuran, 4:135

AlQuran, 17:17

AlQuran, 49:9

AlQuran, 4:58

AlQuran, 39:9

Sahih Al-Bukhari: Book 61, Hadith 90

Sunan Ibn Majah: Book 32, Hadith 3708

Sunan Abi Dawud: Book 41, Hadith 4875

Sunan Ibn Majah: Book 1, Hadith 74

Sahih Muslim: Book 7, Hadith 309

Sunan Ibn Majah: Book 37, Hadith 4211

Ibid: Book 36, Hadith 3950

Ibid: Book 1, Hadith 240




How to Cite

Dr. Maqbool Hassan, & Abdul Sami. (2024). Exploring Eradication of Societal Bedlam and Establishing Stability: Insights from Islamic Principles. Al-Abṣār (الابصار), 3(1), 1–21. Retrieved from https://journals.iub.edu.pk/index.php/al-absar/article/view/2713