Liberalism,Western thoughts , ci Effects of western concept of Liberalism on Islamic society

اسلامی معاشرے پر مغرب کے تصورِ حریت کے اثرات


  • Tumazir Fatima Visiting Lecturer of Islamic Studies, University of Lahore, Lahore, Pakistan
  • Ali sher Visiting Lecturer of Islamic Studies, Government College University, Lahore, Pakistan


From 19th century, Muslims have been living in a fast-changing society, within contemporary dominant waves of thought.  Atheism, Enlightenment, Liberalism, materialism, feminism, and thus all the Western thoughts have become  difficult challenge for Muslim societies.

Liberalism is also one of the factors being faced by Muslim Societies. It’s one of the movements that is originated from the Western concept of Renaissance also as a reaction against undue restrictions in the name of religion. The basic philosophy of which is the complete freedom of man in every way. The philosophy of liberalism is that man should do whatever he wants but to the extent that you do not intrude on the freedom of others.As if a liberal person is free-thinking in religion and politics and is not bound by conservatism and traditionalism in religious and political matters.

Its is a way of thinking in which every individual has the power to shape his own way of life. The individual is absolutely free in all aspects of his personal and collective life. People with this mindset do not accept any external interference in the freedom, expression and development of the individual as a human being. Whether this intervention is by religion.

Liberal and progressive ideas within Islam are considered controversial by some traditional Muslims, who utilized liberal Muslims on the grounds of being too Western preaching the western thoughts and rationalistic.

This study perceives the major consequences of Western Liberalism on the Muslim Societies and its solution in Islamic perspective. The Qur'an and Sunnah guides human being with a social ideology of making a socity humane and united; Thus enabling them to become mutually beneficial and successful individuals.

Keywords: Liberalism,Western thoughts , civilization ,consequences, islam, Islamic society




How to Cite

Fatima, T., & Ali sher. (2024). Liberalism,Western thoughts , ci Effects of western concept of Liberalism on Islamic society: اسلامی معاشرے پر مغرب کے تصورِ حریت کے اثرات. Al-Abṣār (الابصار), 3(1), 112–132. Retrieved from