A research review of Protests in the light of the Prophet's (peace be upon him) covenant
عہد نبویﷺ کی روشنی میں مروجہ احتجاج، تحقیقی جائزہ
Islam has not only fulfilled the basic rights and duties of human beings but has also provided for their protection, the concept of Islam regarding basic human rights is that every person should get his basic rights without his demand, that is, man does not need to knock on the door of the ruler of time for his basic needs, but it is the responsibility of the state. That he should inform every citizen and fulfill his needs. When in a welfare state, the ruler fulfills the requirements of justice and justice and every person has his basic rights and needs without his demand, then one needs to take to the streets to meet his demands and get the basic necessities, neither to block the road, nor to sit on a sit-in or hunger strike, so such a state should progress and prosper. Following the path of a truly Islamic welfare state, it presents a map of a truly Islamic welfare state. But in a society where attempts are made to suppress the fundamental rights of human beings, it is natural to react to the protection of one's rights, because it is inherent in man's nature to protest for his right, as soon as the child is born, he protests for his right and cries for milk. Islam also gives the right to demand one's legitimate rights within the limits of Sharia, and in addition, it is obligatory to raise voice for various purposes and to prevent disbelievers. In the present democratic system, for this purpose, people resort to the prevailing protests and organize demonstrations, processions and sit-ins to meet their demands and convey their point to the Upper House, these prevalent protests and its forms are the soul of democracy. turning. The paper discusses the concept and scope of protest in Islam, trying to find out whether there have been protests in the Prophet's (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) era and what are the examples of protest in this period.
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