India's Sufi Order and Interfaith Harmony

ہندوستان میں تصوّف کے سلاسل اور بین المذاہب ہم آہنگی


  • Hafiz saif ur Rehman PhD.Scholar.Department of Interfaith Studies,Allama Iqbal Open University,,Islamabad
  • Arham Ehsan PhD. Scholar, Department of Interfaith Studies, Allama Iqbal Open University,,Islamabad


Keywords India, Sub-continent, Sufism, Sufi Order, Interfaith Harmony, Monasteries.


Sufism revolves around nurturing the human soul, urging individuals to embrace virtue and abandon vice. Unlike the mere physical existence of humanity, the spiritual dimension plays a crucial role, and Sufism, deeply rooted in Islamic teachings, provides guidance for this inner journey. Grounded in moderation, Sufism fulfills one of the key missions of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), emphasizing purification of the heart and soul alongside acquiring wisdom and understanding.

Central to this ethos is the concept of Ihsan, as highlighted in the Hadith Jibreel, which describes excellence in worship and mindfulness of God. This essence of Sufism integrates faith, worship, and spiritual refinement. Imam Malik aptly remarked on the balance between jurisprudence and Sufism, stating that true understanding comes from combining both disciplines.

In the Indian subcontinent, Sufism significantly shaped Islam's spread and its coexistence with other religions. Prominent figures like Hazrat Ali Hajvari (Data Ganj Bakhsh) and Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti brought Sufism to the region, advocating for unity and harmony. Their teachings opposed extremism and bridged communities, focusing on humanity rather than divisions.

Sufi monasteries, or khanqahs, played a pivotal role in this transformation. They served as sanctuaries for marginalized communities, fostering social welfare and providing spiritual guidance. These institutions strengthened Sufism’s presence, creating an inclusive environment that transcended caste and creed.

This article delves into the origin and essence of Sufism, explores its foundational principles, and traces its role in fostering interfaith harmony in the subcontinent. It also provides an overview of four major Sufi orders in India, detailing their contributions to promoting a unified and spiritually enriched society. Through these efforts, Sufism remains a beacon of peace and integration in diverse cultures.


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How to Cite

Hafiz saif ur Rehman, & Arham Ehsan. (2024). India’s Sufi Order and Interfaith Harmony: ہندوستان میں تصوّف کے سلاسل اور بین المذاہب ہم آہنگی. Al-Abṣār (الابصار), 3(2), 13–34. Retrieved from