The Methodology and Reasoning of Allamah Anwar Shah Kashmiri in Hadith Studies (In the Light of Al-Arf Al-Shadhi)
علمِ حدیث میں علامہ انور شاہ کاشمیری کا منہج و استدلال (العرف الشذی کی روشنی میں)
"The importance of the Prophetic word/ Hadith is an outstanding topic in Islamic studies being a basic source of Islamic teachings. In this way, the science of Hadith has its own significance and there is found a lot of excellent literature produced in this regard. Among the people who contributed in this field, the name of Anwar Shah Kashmiri is also included. He wrote a book entitled "العرف الشذی" in this regard, a unique one. In the following article, this book is focused on analysing the methodology of argumentation of the author for the purpose of understanding the technicalities of the science of Hadith."
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کشمیریؒ ، انور شاہ، العرف الشذی، ج1، ص74
Kashmīrī, Anwar Shāh, al-‘Arf al-Shadhī, vol. 1, p. 74.
ایضاً، ج1، ص71
Ibid, Vol 1, P71
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ایضاً، ج1، ص94
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القرآن 59:4
Al-Qur’ān 59:4.
القرآن 20:73
Al-Qur’ān 20:73.
کشمیریؒ ، انور شاہ، العرف الشذی، ج1، ص47
Kashmīrī, Anwar Shāh, al-‘Arf al-Shadhī, vol. 1, p. 47.
القرآن 15: 46
Al-Qur’ān 15:46.
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کشمیریؒ ، انور شاہ، العرف الشذی، ج1، ص189
Kashmīrī, Anwar Shāh, al-‘Arf al-Shadhī, vol. 1, p. 189.
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