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Author Guidelines

Manuscript Submission Guidelines

AL-RAQIM is providing a wonderful platform for researchers and academicians, for publishing novel research articles. AL-RAQIM is a Bi-Annual, Double blind, international peer-reviewed journal. Unsolicited manuscripts will be welcomed here.

Manuscript Submission

  • All submissions must include a 150-250 word abstract with five keywords, introduction, discussion, results, summery and conclusions.
  • Soft copy of the article should be submitted online through AL-RAQIM Portal. Manuscripts should not be submitted via Email or Post. Ensure the anonymity of the authors while uploading the articles, by excluding the names, titles and institutions of the authors in the soft copy. Alternately, add all the details in the Metadata of the submission. Furthermore, Turnitin Similarity Report should be uploaded on OJS.
    Manuscripts will be considered for publication only if they have not been published previously and are not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
    Manuscripts that are submitted to Al-Raqim are subject to evaluation by independent national and international referees who are expert in the applicable field.
    The decision to accept or reject a manuscript rest solely with AL-RAQIM Editor. The Editor, however, base his decision primarily upon the recommendations of the referees who have evaluated the paper.

Format Requirements

General Requirements:

  • Unsolicited Manuscripts must be written in English/Urdu/Arabic. Type the manuscript in MS Word, A4 size. Use the following fonts while writing article:

English Articles: Must be composed in “Times New Roman”, Font Size: 12 for Normal and 12 Bold for Headings and 10 for references.
Urdu Articles: Must be composed in “Jameel Noori Nastaleeq”
Arabic Articles: Must be composed in Sakkal Majalla
For both Arabic & Urdu Articles Font Size be 14 for Normal and 14 Bold for Headings and 12 for references.

  • Article must include the following sections and, in the order, given below:
  • Abstract, (no more than 200 words including Keywords), Introduction, Literature Review, Research Question/s, Research Methodology, Results/Conclusions and Recommendation/s (if any)
  • Type the page numbers consecutively, beginning with the title page, in the lower centered comer of each page in English, Urdu and Arabic.
  • Write down References in footnotes.


Provide on a separate page an abstract of 150 to 200 words followed by the keywords for respective article. The abstract should consist of labeled background, Literature Review, Research Questions, Research Methodology, Results/Conclusion and Recommendations (if any).

Key Words:

Include the Key Words relating to the article subject in the end of Abstract.


State the purpose of the article and summarize the rationale for the study.

Literature Review:

Include appropriate literature review relating to the article subject.

Basic Research Question:

Include research questions relating to the article subject.

Research Methodology:

Include research methodology opted by the author/s clearly.


Emphasize the new and important aspect of the study and conclusions that follow from them. Link the conclusions with the goals of the study but avoid unqualified statements and conclusions not completely supported by your discussion and references.


Present your results in logical sequence in the text.


References must be placed as footnotes to the text. When cited for the first time, provide full information: full name of the author, title of the source, place of publication, publishing company, date of publication and the specific page you are citing. For subsequent citations of the same source, write the author's famous name, abbreviated form of the title and the relevant page number. Do not use endnotes or a biography. All foreign words must be underlined and transliterated. AL-Raqim reserves the right to change the transliteration of all historical names, titles, and non-English terminology to bring conformity with its own style. References titles should be bold not underlined or italicized. The References must be given in the Chicago Notes and Bibliography Style. Follow the style of the following examples:

No. s


Citation and End-reference


The Holy Quran

القرآن، 3:113


The Holy Hadith

محمد بن اسماعیل البخاری، الجامع الصحیح، کتاب الذبائح والصید، باب اکل کل ذی ناب من السباع (ریاض: دار السلام، 1417 ھ)، حدیث: 5530، 10۔



ابو بکر محمد بن احمد السرخسی،اصول السرخسی (بیروت: دار المعرفۃ، 1997ء)، 1:350۔


Book (Short Version)

السرخسی، اصول، 1:350۔


Edited Book

خلیق احمد نظامی، مرتب، شاہ ولی اللہ کے سیاسی مکتوبات (لاہور: ادارہ اسلامیات، 1978ء)، 52۔


Edited Book (Short Version)

نظامی، شاہ ولی اللہ کے سیاسی مکتوبات، 55۔



محمد فیضان الرحمن، "احادیث نبویہ میں وارد حیوانات کا ترجمہ: ایک ناقدانہ جائزہ"،فکر ونظر، اسلام آباد، 2:51(2013): 47۔


Journal (Short Version)

فیضان الرحمن، "احادیث نبویہ میں وارد حیوانات کا ترجمہ: ایک ناقدانہ جائزہ،" 175۔


Chapter of a Book

ابو سعید نورالدین، "تصور وحدت الوجود کا تدریجی ارتقا"، مشمولہ فلسفہ وحدت الوجود، مرتب۔ وحید عشرت (لاہور: سنگ میل، 2015)، 40–42۔


Chapter (Short Version)

.نور الدین، "تصور وحدت الوجود کا تدریجی ارتقا"، 43



ہمایوں علی،"پیغمبر اسلام"،ضیائے حرم، اپریل 21، 2017۔


Magazine (Short Version)

علی، "پیغمبر اسلام"، 18


News Paper

ہمایوں علی،"پیغمبر اسلام"،ضیائے حرم، اپریل 21، 2017۔


News Paper (Short Version)

علی، "پیغمبر اسلام"، 18



Website: BD Dipananda, "Interfaith Dialogue for Peace, Harmony, and Security Held in Myanmar," Buddhistdoor Global,, accessed on 03-03-2017.


Social Media


Conan O’Brien’s tweet was characteristically deadpan: “In honor of Earth Day, I’m recycling my tweets” (@ConanOBrien, April 22, 2015).


Social Media (Short Version)

Souza, “President Obama”.



Chicago Manual of Style, “Is the world ready for singular they? We thought so back in 1993,” Facebook, April 17, 2015, ChicagoManual/posts/10152906193679151.


Facebook (Short Version)

Michele Truty, April 17, 2015, 1:09 p.m., comment on Chicago Manual of Style, “singular they.”

Further information is available at the following link:

Chicago Notes and Bibliography Style


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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.