سود سے پاک معیشت کے امکانات کا تحقیقی جائزہ

An exploratory assessment of the prospects for an interest-free economy


  • Shakir Ullah Chatrali Research Scholar in Islamia Collage Peshawar


economic system, communism, distribution of wealth, interest based loan.


An interest-free economic system is possible in the existing economic system, which cannot be denied due to the following arguments. The Islamic system has a history of domination over several centuries. The communism that ruled over a large part of the world for seventy years was also non-interest bearing. In the capitalism "capital" is one of the factors of production, for which in the distribution of wealth, "interest" is suggested in any case in the capitalism, while in the Islamic system, "capital" is considered as a factor, but its share in the distribution of wealth is subject to "responsibility", in any case it is not determined, obviously it is minor and conditional. In today's era, any successful economy depends on the establishment of "industries" on a large scale and the method of "shares" is common and popular, for setting up any large industry interest based loan is not necessary. Usury banking is not the only indispensable human need for which there is no non-usury alternative, but it is also possible to make the current banking system free from interest.


          economic system, communism, distribution of wealth, interest based loan.



