مصوری کے متعلق فقہاء کی آراء و تصاویر کے جدید رجحانات

The Opinions Of Jurisprudents On Painting And The Modern Trends Of Images.


  • Aysha Sidiqua University of Managment and Technology Lahore


painting, picture, images, preserving images, creative


This paper is about The opinions of jurisprudents on painting. In this paper, the opinions of the Qur'an, Hadith and jurists regarding painting have been studied. Here we are talking about creating and preserving images of living things in the arts. It is mentioned in the hadith that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) forbade keeping pictures and making pictures in the house. A hadith that was narrated from Mr. Ibn Abbas, is that the Messenger of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: "Whoever makes an image, Allah will keep him in torment until he breathes into it and he breathes into it." The spirit will not be able to breathe.” Many authentic hadiths prohibiting the making and keeping of images are to be found in authentic books and it is a clear teaching of Islam that the making and keeping of images of living beings is to be avoided

The reason for this ruling is the concept of sources. It is the teaching of Islam that in order to avoid sins, one should avoid such things that are going to bring them closer to them or make them suffer from them. Since idolatry was promoted by images of living beings, it has been forbidden and this command is undoubtedly for the Day of Judgment.


            painting, picture,  images, preserving images, creative


