رسول اللہ ﷺ بحیثیت ماہر ومؤسس قانونِ جنگ: سیرت طیبہ اور آئی ایچ ایل کی روشنی میں ایک تحقیقی جائزہ

The Prophet (ﷺ) as an Expert and Founder of the Law of War: A Research Review in the Light of Sirat Tayyaba and IHL


  • Dr. Muhammad Adil Bacha Khan University, Charsadda, KPK


Prophet Muhammad (SAW) , Seerat, Warfare, IHL, Humanity


It is an undeniable truth that every aspect of the life of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) serves as an everlasting source of guidance for humanity. Even after the passage of fourteen centuries and remarkable advancements in human civilization, the world has yet to achieve the unparalleled standard of humanity and ethics established by the Prophet. (SAW)A compelling example of this is found in the realm of warfare. While modern civilizations took nearly 150 years to formulate ethical principles and laws governing warfare, a closer examination of the Seerah life of the Prophet(SAW) reveals that within just a decade, he introduced laws that were not only more comprehensive and humane but also rooted in the principles of dignity and respect for humanity. Furthermore, these laws were not merely theoretical; the Prophet (SAW) implemented them practically, even as a powerful and victorious leader.

In the modern era, the globally recognized framework for ethical conduct in warfare is known as International Humanitarian Law (IHL). These laws aim primarily to safeguard non-combatants, particularly vulnerable groups, Civilian  property, and individuals who are no longer participating in hostilities.

This article seeks to demonstrate, through examples from the Seerah, that Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was not only a visionary in the field of ethical warfare but also its true pioneer. By analyzing his life and actions in the light of International Humanitarian Law, it becomes evident that the principles formally established by 20th-century experts were, in fact, laid down over fourteen centuries ago by the Prophet (SAW).His teachings form the foundation of the ethical and humanitarian principles of warfare that continue to inspire and guide humanity today.


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