About the Journal

International Journal of Natural Medicine and Health Sciences is a peer-reviewed journal that aims to publish manuscripts related to the current trends in research and practices of natural medicine. Our objective is to strengthen the research and educational base of natural medicine in the healthcare system.
International Journal of Natural Medicine and Health Sciences does not advocate for anyone's system or method, but rather encourages the examination and proper application of all successful researches in natural medicine and health sciences. Each issue covers a wide range of disciplined inquiry approaches, ranging from case studies to original scientific research in health sciences. The editors advocate for licensed health care practitioners to integrate evidence-based emerging treatments with traditional medical practices in a way that supports a holistic approach to health care that is focused on wellness, prevention, and healing. International Journal of Natural Medicine and Health Sciences aspires to educate all licensed health care practitioners about developments in fields other than their own, as well as to foster ongoing debate about the scientific, clinical, historical, legal, political, and cultural issues that affect all aspects of health care.



Current Issue

Vol. 3 No. 2 (2024): International Journal of Natural Medicine and Health Sciences
Published: 2024-05-14


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International Journal of Natural Medicine and Health Sciences

ISSN e: 2790-2471

ISSN p: 2790-2463

 The Editor-in-Chief delighted to invite you to submit your manuscript for publication in the  International Journal of Natural Medicine and Health Sciences (IJNMHS), under the umbrella of University College of Conventional Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Allied Health Sciences, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan. This journal aims to provide a platform for Scientists, Scholars, Researchers, and Health Professionals to present new research and developments in all the areas of Natural medicine and Health sciences. The journal includes original research articles, notes, reviews, mini-reviews, rapid communication, and natural resource letters. 

Aims & Scope and author guidelines are available at:  https://journals.iub.edu.pk/

For submissions: https://journals.iub.edu.pk/index.php/ijnms/about/submissions

 Submissions are open through out the year.