Promoting Online Education in Higher Education Institutions in Pakistan: Insights from the Technology Acceptance Model
PU, PEU, TAM, University students' attitude, Adoption of online education, Behavioral intentionAbstract
This study investigates the effect of perceived usefulness (PU) and perceived ease of use (PEU) on university students’ attitudes toward online education, their behavioral intention, and subsequent actual adoption/use of online education, using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) as a theoretical lens. It is also hypothesized students' geographic status (e.g., urban vs. rural) and educational levels (e.g., undergrad vs. grad) as moderating variables towards a positive effect of PU and PEU on actual adoption/use of online education through the mediation of attitude and behavioral intention. To this end, three hundred and thirty-one students were recruited from both public and private universities and sub-campuses in Pakistan, and the hypotheses were tested using structural equation modeling (SEM) and multigroup modeling in AMOS (Analysis of a moment structures in SPSS). SEM results supported the positive effect of PU and PEU on university students' attitudes toward online education, their behavioral intention, and subsequent actual adoption/use of online education. Finally, the important implications for policy and research are discussed.
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