صحائف آسمانی کی روشنی میں انسانی تخلیق کے مراحل: ایک تحقیقی وتجزیاتی مطالعہ

The Stages of Human Creation in the Light of the Divine Scriptures: A Research and Analytical Study


  • Saima Nosheen Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies & Arabic, Gomal University D. I. Khan
  • Mazhar Hussain Ph.D. Scholar Department of Islamic Studies &Arabic, Gomal University D. I. Khan
  • Razia Bi Bi M.Phil. Scholar Department of Islamic Studies &Arabic, Gomal University D. I. Khan
  • Asia BI Bi M.Phil. Scholar Department of Islamic Studies & Arabic, Gomal University D. I. Khan


Creation, Man, Heavenly Books, Cycles, Religious Books


On the subject of human creation, various aspects have been highlighted in the light of the divine books, namely the Qur'an, the Torah, the Gospel and the Psalms. In these holy books, the principles of human creation, purpose and life have been described. The Torah also mentions the creation of man. According to the Torah, Allah created man in His own image. The creation of man is also an important theme in the Gospels, and it is stated that man is made in the image of God to bear witness to his love and righteousness. The creation of man and the majesty of God are mentioned repeatedly in the Psalms. The book of Psalms emphasizes the nature of man and his relationship with God, and thus encourages men to obey God's laws.




How to Cite

Saima Nosheen, Mazhar Hussain, Razia Bi Bi, and Asia BI Bi. 2024. “صحائف آسمانی کی روشنی میں انسانی تخلیق کے مراحل: ایک تحقیقی وتجزیاتی مطالعہ: The Stages of Human Creation in the Light of the Divine Scriptures: A Research and Analytical Study”. Ulūm Al-Sunnah 2 (02):145-55. https://journals.iub.edu.pk/index.php/uas/article/view/3262.



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