آراءُ العلماء حول اعتبارِ الحديثِ الشاذِّ حديثًا صحيحًا (دراسة بحثية)

The Perspectives of Scholars on Considering Shādh Hadith as Authentic Hadith: A Comprehensive Study


  • Dr. Navid Iqbal Assistant Professor, Department of Hadith & Hadith Sciences, AIOU, Islamabad


Shādh Hadith, Perspectives of Scholars, Authentic, Classification, Comprehensive Study


The authenticity of a hadith is determined by the conditions set forth by the scholars of hadith. Like other disciplines, the science of hadith also reflects differing opinions among scholars. While some scholars have considered certain conditions indispensable for accepting a hadith, others have disagreed. One of these conditions pertains to the chain of narration, specifically the requirement that a hadith must not be classified as "Shādh" (exceptional). However, the definition of "Shādh" has been a subject of extensive debate among the scholars. For instance, some scholars define a Shādh hadith as one where a trustworthy narrator contradicts other equally credible narrators. Others describe it as a hadith with a single chain of narration, regardless of whether the narrators in that chain are reliable or not. Yet another perspective holds that a Shādh hadith is one narrated solely by a trustworthy scholar without any corroborating evidence from other sources.
This divergence in defining Shādh hadith has naturally led to differing opinions regarding its classification and authenticity. Some argue that a Shādh hadith should always be considered weak, while others contend that its ruling depends on specific conditions and the context in which it was narrated.
Given the complexity of this subject, Shādh hadith is regarded as one of the intricate topics within the science of hadith. Therefore, this study aims to provide a detailed analysis of the opinions of scholars regarding the classification of Shādh hadith as weak or authentic, to shed light on this nuanced issue.




How to Cite

Dr. Navid Iqbal. 2024. “آراءُ العلماء حول اعتبارِ الحديثِ الشاذِّ حديثًا صحيحًا (دراسة بحثية): The Perspectives of Scholars on Considering Shādh Hadith As Authentic Hadith: A Comprehensive Study”. Ulūm Al-Sunnah 2 (02):01-10. https://journals.iub.edu.pk/index.php/uas/article/view/3409.



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