الشيخ عبد الحق الهاشمي ومجهوداته العلمية ومكانة كتابه ’’مسند الصحيحين‘‘ العلمية

Sheikh Abd al-Haqq al-Hashimi, his scholarly efforts, and the scholarly status of his book “Musnad al-Sahihayn”


  • Muhammad Tahir Ph.D. Scholar
  • Prof. Dr. Hafiz Abdul Rahim Dean, Faculty of Islamic Studies & Languages Chairman, Arabic Department


Abdul Haq al-Hashimi, prominent scholar of the sub-continent his book:"Musnad ul-Sahihain"


Shaikh Abdul Haq al-Hashimi, who is regarded as one of the most prominent scholars of the sub-continent in the southern region of Punjab (Ahmed Pur-Sharqia) and he has learnt different religious sciences and arts from about sixty Shaikhs. Among the most important of his books is: "Musnad ul-Sahihain", in which the Shaikh brought the hadiths of each Sahabi separately according to the order of letters of the lexicon among the names and the patronymic appellations, and who was known among them by name, mentioned him by names, and who was known among them by patronymic appellation, mentioned him by the patronymic appellations, and he did so amongst Masaneed of the women. He preferred Masaneed of the orthodox caliphs amongst Masaneed of the men (sahabas) due to their glorious dignity and their high status, and preferred Musnad-e-Abi Huraira amongst the patronymic appellations for many of his hadiths, and preferred Musnad-e-Fatima (Peace and blessings be upon her)  amongst Masaneed of the women because of her majesty and her glorious dignity. Then, he preferred Masaneed of the Holy spouses of the Holy Prophet over all the women (Sahabiats) due to their glorious dignity and their high rank, and preferred Musnad of  mother of the believers, Ayesha (Allah be pleased with her) due to her highest status over all the other mothers of the believers, and the abundance of her sanads. He stated in the beginning of Musnad of each Sahabi that there were so and so number of his hadiths in Sahihain, and number of hadiths agreed upon by both Bukhari and Muslim was so, and number of  hadiths narrated by only Bukhari was so, and number of hadiths related by only muslim was so. He made three classes of those Sahaba whom Bhukhari and Muslim have brought.

They are those whose hadiths were agreed upon by both Bukhari and Mulsim.

They are the ones whose hadiths were related by only Bukhari.

They are those whose hadiths Muslim singled out.

He divided the hadiths of each of the first class companions into three sections as long as he found a way to do so. His style is distinguished due to his speaking power. This research article highlights the efforts of the sub-continent scholars in the field of Tafseer, Hadith, Da’wat, Jurisprudence and etc.

Author Biographies

Muhammad Tahir, Ph.D. Scholar

Arabic Department, BZU Multan



Prof. Dr. Hafiz Abdul Rahim, Dean, Faculty of Islamic Studies & Languages Chairman, Arabic Department


Dean, Faculty of Islamic Studies & Languages

Chairman, Arabic Department, BZU, Multan




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