دراسة البلاغة في ضوء الحديث النبويﷺ

Study of Rhetoric in light of the hadith of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him


  • Kubra Bano Assistant Director Colleges
  • Muhammad Abdullah PST
  • Prof. Dr. Hafiz Abdul Rahim Professor


Prophet's rhetoric, Proverbs, Wisdoms, Brief understanding, Honesty, power of deduction


This research article includes study of the Holy Prophet's rhetoric in his speeches. No doubt, that the Hadith of the Prophet possesses superiority due to its vast meaning and its sophisticated words and new structures and high-handed methods prevailed over the Arabic language. The Prophet's talk is away from the impurities of the apparent expressions, words and structures, but what added to the neat meanings, enabled them to speak more eloquently, then the tongues of human beings were enabled to speak, which represent in their proverbs, their wisdoms and speeches.

The characteristics of the descriptive style of the Prophet:

1 Brief understanding: This is reflected in the saying: "the words whose number is fewer and whose number of meanings is more."

2 Away from nonanimation: This is reflected in the saying: "and the workmanship, and the   reward for the non-intimation."

3 Honesty and power of deduction: The deductive power is related to the validity of the meaning, and the ingenuity of the method that presents the idea, and this is evident in the saying

Author Biographies

Kubra Bano, Assistant Director Colleges

District Muzaffar Garh

Muhammad Abdullah, PST

 GPS 11 Ghagh, Khanewal

Prof. Dr. Hafiz Abdul Rahim, Professor

(Hazrat Bahauddin Zakariya Chair)

Dean Faculty Islamic Studies and Languages, BZlU, Multan


