المجرورات في تفسير بيان القرآن للشيخ أشرف علي التهانوي)دراسة نحوية إحصائية(


  • Madiha Sadiq Internation Islamic University, Islamabad


The Eminent, Sheikh Ashraf Ali Al-Tahnawi, a religious jurist, is known as “Hakim ul Ummah” among the Sovereign Scholars of the Indian Subcontinent. He was a great spiritual reformer who controverted heresies, superstitions and traditions of pre Islamic paganism with logical arguments and evidences. He worked hard to restore the glory of Islam and raised its dignity through his valuable publications. The most famous of these publications is the interpretation of the Qur'an called "BIYAN UL QURAN". The unique research approach of sheikh while interpreting Quran in syntacs, rhetoric, Qur’anic recitations and other fields of Arabic language distinguished this interpretation from other ones. This research includes the study of the genitive cases in the valuable Interpretation named "BIYAN UL QURAN" by Sheikh Ashraf Ali Tahnawi (Syntactical and Statistical Study). It sheds light on his unique style in the field of syntacs and his interest in Qur’anic recitations, thus elaborating one of the great scientific works and services of our ancestors in the field of Holy Quran. This article comprises of introduction and three sections. The first one is about the genitives by letters, the second section on the genitives by annexation and the third section on auxiliary genitives.

Author Biography

Madiha Sadiq, Internation Islamic University, Islamabad

 محاضرة، كلية اللغة العربية، الجامعة الإسلامية العالمية، إسلام آباد، باكستان


