Guidlines for Authors

ABSTRACT (should be ordered as follows using Times New Roman 10pt and no longer than 250 words excluding the keywords)

Objective: The objectives for the research should clearly outline what the research had set out to achieve.

Research Gap:  The contextual, theoretical, methodological, or practical gap of the research should be clearly explained.     

Design/Methodology/Approach: The methodology must be briefly outlined in the abstract, and any limitations in the methodology should be addressed.

The Main Findings: The results briefly reveal all the relevant findings of the study and their relevance should be clearly mentioned.  

Theoretical / Practical Implications of the Findings: The knowledge, expertise, and relevance of the research content to society is an important judging criterion. Abstracts should demonstrate the implications of the results for the society.

Originality/Value: The abstracts should demonstrate the contribution of the research that has rarely/never been done before.

 (Times New Roman 10pt including headings and text, single line spaced).


1. Introduction (Times New Roman 12pt and With Heading Number)

The text body including headings and sub-headings (except abstract) of the article must be formatted in Times New Roman 12pt having single line spacing and justification on both sides. The manuscript should not be automatically spaced before or after a paragraph.   


After each paragraph and the section heading, single line space must be added whereas there should be no line space after the heading or sub-heading as shown in the template.


Every heading and sub-heading in the article should be bold, capitalized each word as sampled in this file.


The page should be layout as having margins; top: 0.5’’; left: 1’’; right: 1’’; bottom: 0.5’’. The header of the article should incorporate the full journal name along with volume and issue as per the given template. Below the abstract, kindly mention the paper citation and the Corresponding Author’s email address in Times New Roman 10pt using the template given in this file.


Abstract and Citations

The abstract of the manuscript should be structured, coherent, and formatted in Times New Roman 10pt. .


3-6 Keywords should also be in Times New Roman 10pt and mentioned in italics. Each keyword should be capitalized and written in separate lines.


All text should be cited in APA 7th edition format. To ensure a blind review process, don’t mention the author(s) name or affiliation in the article body. Such author information should also be removed from the file properties.


The paper should not exceed 6000 words including references. If it is necessary to increase the article length, it must be separately informed to the editor through email.


Tables and Figures 

All tables and figures must be incorporated within the text body using Times New Roman 10pt. The figures must be in black and white and in the .gif or .jpg format. Every figure/ table should be separated by a single space in the body of the text. Lastly, for every figure/ table, the source from where they are extracted should be clearly mentioned and in case they are self-generated, they should be titled as Authors’ compilation.


Proofread and Typeset 

The article should be addressed in the third person, professionally proofread, and free from grammatical errors. The typeset should follow the template guidelines mentioned in this file.



All references must be in alphabetical order using APA 7th format with hanging indent of 0.5’’ and single line space. The sample is given below. Where possible, give the URL and DOI of the cited article.


Akhtar, Rai S. Media, Religion and Politics in Pakistan. Karachi: Oxford UP, 2000.

Bratic, Vladimir & Schirch, Lisa.(2007). Why and When to Use the Media for Conflict Prevention and Peace building. European Centre for Conflict Prevention. Retrieved from

Cohen, Bernard. C. (1963).The Press and Foreign Policy Princeton, N. J: Princeton UniversityPress.

Copper, H. (1998).Synthesizing Research. A guide for literature reviews.

Hall, S. (1975). Introduction. In A.C.H. Smith et al. (eds.), Paper Voices: The popular press and social change, 1935-1965.

Hussain, Tallat. (Anchor). (2014 Feb. 2) Live WithTallat [TV broadcast]. Islamabad: Aaj news; Watch on



The author must acknowledge the support in conducting the research work.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).


The views and opinions expressed in this paper are those of the author alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of any institution.


The Authors must set the document as per the template of PJES. To download the template in MS Word click here.