Correction and Retraction Policy

Corrections of Research Articles

If there is any error reported by the authors after the publishing of the manuscript, it must be reported to the editorial team through the corresponding author with a description of all the details of the error and the required correction. Corrections required by authors (corrigenda) and corrections for the publisher’s errors (errata) are made without any charges to the author (s). Any corrections that may affect the research outcomes, their interpretation, and/or implications are considered only after a thorough review by the editors.

Retraction of Research Articles

A Retraction is a declaration that an article should not be regarded as part of the scientific literature published by PJES.  It aims to correct the literature and alert the readers about unreliable, seriously flawed, or erroneous content, data, findings, and/or conclusions. Such content may be due to research misconduct or mistakes. Editors at PJES, through the retraction policy, commit to correcting the literature and ensuring research integrity rather than punishing the authors.

Retraction Policy

PJES adheres to the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) retraction guidelines. The editorial committee will issue a retraction notice if there is clear evidence about a published article that:

1. The findings of the research are faulty or unreliable, either due to a major error in calculation, data collection, or experimental conduct,

2. The results are based on the fabrication or falsification of data, figures, and/or literature.

3. It constitutes severe plagiarism or higher plagiarism than the maximum limit as required in PJES policy for Plagiarism and Screening.

4.  The findings have been previously published elsewhere without proper attribution to previous sources or disclosure to the editor, permission to republish, or justification (ie, cases of redundant or multiple publications). 

5. It contains any material or uses data without explicit authorization.

6. The copyright policy of PJES has been infringed.

7. The research has adopted, reported, or suggested some harmful or unethical practices.

8. It has been published solely based on a compromised or manipulated peer review process.

9. The author(s) have failed to disclose a major conflict of interest that, in the view of the editor, would have unduly affected interpretations of the work or recommendations by editors and peer reviewers.

10. The content of the article has legal issues like libel, breach of privacy, illegality, etc. 

Applicability of Retraction

Retraction policy for the published manuscripts is applicable if there is a substantial undermining of the research conduct in terms of ethics, errors in analysis, and/or reporting of the study. The article will be marked as retracted in the issue where it was originally published. However, the retraction statement will be linked in both directions with the PDF version of the article. This statement typically includes assent or dissent from the author about the misconduct or error. That must be signed and submitted by the author(s) to the editor of PJES.

In some cases, the editorial board reserves the right to remove the published articles from the journal’s online issues and platforms. Some of such exceptions may be if.

  1. The content is proved to be unlawful, defamatory, and trespasses on a third party’s intellectual property, privacy, or any other legal rights.
  2. An order requiring the removal of the article, or its content is issued or is likely to be issued by the court or legal authorities of the state.
  3. Content if acted upon by the end-users of research outcomes is found to pose immediate or serious risks to health.

It must be noted that the metadata and bibliographic data of the manuscript will be retained by PJES. This data will be attached with the removal statement and an explanation of the reason (s) for removal. However, the removal may be temporary or permanent.