Information For Authors

Instruction for Authors

Guidelines for Contributors/Authors
Mode of Submission of Manuscript
The contributors are requested to submit their manuscripts electronically through OJS submission link (  ). They are requested to submit the same manuscript on the following email:

Number of Authors
The number of authors must not be more than four.

Article Title & Length of Article
The title should clearly represents the manuscript avoiding ambiguities. The article should be between 3000 to 7000 words.

Author/s Details
The body of the email should contain brief biographical information about the author/s. The author/authors details should be provided in not more than 100 words. In case of co-authorship, the authors should be mentioned in order of their authorship. The following information is required in a separate file attached with the email:

• Name and affiliated institute with complete address
• E-mail address of author/ authors
• Corresponding author if any

Abstract should explain the main intent, scope and significance of the paper. It should clearly explain the employed methodological procedures, major findings, theoretical as well as practical implications of the study, conclusions and relevant recommendations

Author should provide relevant and short keywords (minimum: 3, maximum: 8) that represent the work.

References/Style of Citation
All articles must follow the latest Chicago Manual Citation style (popularly known as Turabian manual) and formatting guidelines. Bibliographies and footnotes should be place at the end of the article.

Foreign words should be in italics.

Originality of Manuscript
All articles submitted for publication must be the original work of the author/s and should have not been submitted to, or published by any other journal (national or international). An undertaking to this effect needs to be provided by the author.

Tables, Figures and Illustrations
Utmost care should be taken in submitting statistical data for publication. All headings, columns, rows, symbols, units of measure¬ment, periods, political and geographical areas, and sources should be clearly stated in each statistical table.
Tables, maps, and diagrams should be numbered and given at the end of the article. They should be clearly drawn so that they are suitable for printing.

Peer Review Process
All research articles, review articles and policy papers are reviewed by two peer reviewers using a double blind reviewing process. Care is taken to ensure that submissions are reviewed by members of the team with knowledge of the subject area but who do not have a conflict of interest. The anonymous review process has been ensured by Preparing Anonymous Review