تأثير الإسلام في معاني الشعر وألفاظه وأغراضه في عصر صدر الإسلام

The influence of Islam on the meanings, expressions and purposes of poetry in the era of early Islam



Arabic language, Poetry, influence of Islam, Pre-Islamic era


The Arabic language and poetry are inseparable like soul and body, one is inseparable from the other, and since we reached the history of the pre-Islamic Arabs, we found it associated with poetry systems, and poetry was the great phenomenon in the pre-Islamic era, and the Arabs were passionate about rhetoric and eloquence, so the miracle of the Holy Qur’an came to them, So they were fascinated by it, and it captured their hearts, they were unable to come up with a verse like it, & they became exhausted with ways to match it, so they returned to their stubbornness, among the accusations they accused the Holy Qur’an of being poetry, and that the Prophet (SAWW) is a poet, even though they knew that he was farther from that.

So, Islam kept all the good pre-Islamic values, concepts and morals as they were, endorsed them, refined the impurities attached to them, and denied and fought the wrong and bad morals and concepts. This constructive intellectual and cultural revolution occurred in poetry as well, so Islam exploited poetry to serve the Islamic religion, spread Islamic morals, praise its beauty, praise the Prophet (SAWW) and respond to the polytheists, and refute their pre-Islamic beliefs and concepts.

Author Biographies

Dr. Amin Ali, National University of Modern Languages – Islamabad

PhD Arabic

National University of Modern Languages – Islamabad

Dr. Muhammad Qasim Junaidi, University of Swabi – Swabi

Lecturer, Department of Islamic and Arabic Studies

University of Swabi – Swabi


