Hermeneutics, Qur'anic Studies, Reception, TerrorismAbstract
Ex-convict terrorists interpret the Qur’anic verses of jihad and qita>l as war against infidels, with the view that jihad is an obligation and heaven as the reward. This understanding has theological, political, sociological and psychological implications. In the context of Hans Robert Jauss' reception theory, the two main factors that influence this understanding are internal factors (personal background) and external factors (situation and social interaction). These determine how one understands the verses of jihad and qita>l in the Qur'an. This conclusion refutes the theory that attributes religion as the cause of violence as proposed by some scholars such as John Louis Esposito, David Rapoport, Robert Scott Appleby, and Bruce Lincoln.
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Motives are desires that stem from human desires related to the social conditions they face, known as sociogenic motives.
Private interview with Muhammad Sofyan Tsauri, at Depok, West Java, Indonesia on August 07, 2021.
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Personal Interview with Muhammad Sofyan Tsauri, Depok West Java on August 07, 2021.
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Personal Interview with Muhammad Sofyan Tsauri, Depok West Java on August 07, 2021.
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