Ethical Aspects of Seerat al Nabi: Special Study the Sufi Books of the Subcontinent
Literal meaning of Seerah deals with characteristics and the attributes of the person but the Seerah as term directly associated with the life of the Prophet (SAW) .His birth, bought up, adolsence, life before and after of Prophethood is discussed under the terminology of seerah.
On this very topic the work done is massive and continued right throughout.The segment of the people kept doing all important work on this topic; the mystics are one of the key members. Particularly the mystics of the sub-continent used their Seerah writings as tool for the purification and nourishment of their disciples. Because the role of mystics has been very crucial and vital during the course of time in the context of social and religious reforms in the society of sub-continent.
The books of these Sufis had covered almost all the important features and aspect of Seerah life of prophet (S.A.W) .In the writings of the Mystics of the sub-continent we have all the shades of writings like, prose and poetry .To use the poetry as way of Seerah writing was a unique thing and style which they adopted and adopted it quite brilliantly .So for the betterment and success of the society , we have to take the teachings and the writings of these Mystics as a guiding tools.I tend to do analytical and contextual study of the "Courtesy of The Prophet S.A.W in the light of Mystic Seerah writing"
I am intending to do an analysis of narretation related to Courtesy by the mystic Seerah writers. Morover I shall scrutinize the authenticity of these narration in accordance with the orgnial sources of the Seerah.
By doing so I want to map out the Perpetuality of Seerah in our social, economic, moral and psychological issues and also the way out provided by Seerah .And how the narratives of these mystics can be fruitful and helpful in this regards.
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عوراف ، 437
عوارف المعارف ، 131، 132
عوارف المعارف ،131۔133
عوارف المعارف، 149
علاء الدین سنجری العروف خواجہ حسن دہلوی ،فوائد الفواد ،ملفوظات خواجہ نظام الدین اولیاء ،263
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کشف المحجوب ،318۔321
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