The Characteristics of "Surah Al-Fatiha" in Light of the Authentic and Fabricated Ahadith: An Analytical Study
"Surah Al-Fatiha" holds a prominent place within the Holy Qur’an and one of its most distinctive attributes is that it serves as the Quran's opening chapter and integral to the validity of prayers. Its virtues have been mentioned in numerous Prophetic traditions and it has unique characteristics that indicate its influence in bringing benefits, warding off harm, alleviating calamities, and healing the sick. This research conducts a comprehensive analysis of the Ahadith pertaining to this Surah, elucidating its attributes based on authentic Ahadith. Additionally, it discerns and highlights instances where fabricated Ahadith and superstitious beliefs have been inaccurately associated with the attributes of this Surah. The research consists of two sections. The initial section offers an introductory exploration of the Surah, encompassing its definition, the circumstances and location of its revelation, as well as the number of its verses and its names. The subsequent section focuses on explaining what has been mentioned in authentic Ahadith regarding the characteristics of this Surah and alerts to what has been mentioned about its characteristics in fabricated Ahadith and superstitious beliefs associated with its attributes. In this study, the researcher has adopted two approaches: the inductive approach and the analytical approach. The inductive approach was utilized to compile and track the authentic Ahadith pertaining to the excellence and characteristics of this Surah and what has been mentioned about it in terms of fabricated Ahadith and superstitions. On the other hand, the analytical approach was used to analyze the texts of these Ahadith and extract their underlying meanings. The study has been concluded with significant outcomes.
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